Terra-Glaze is a clear protective coating containing Ultra Violet protectives and silicons developed
specially for porous, un-glazed, unvitrified terracotta roof tiles. The coating resists crazing and
discolouring and provides a weatherproof long lasting gloss finish that is both tough and flexible.
Terra-Glaze is higher in resin solids and UV light absorbers than other well-known roof tile coatings
Typical Properties
Appearance: Clear brown viscous liquid
Total Solids Content: >40%
Per Cent Volatiles: < 60%
Specific Gravity: 0.87
Solubility In Water: Not soluble
Application Temperatures: Between 10-35°C
Minimum Dry Film Thickness: >100 microns
Recommended Application Rate: Two coats @ 5 square metres per litreÂ