Colour | Light Transmission | Heat Transmission |
 Clear |  93% |  100% |
Opal | 49% | 48% |
Cream | 43% | 38% |
 Bronze Tint |  38% |  67% |
Grey Tiny | 19% | 53% |
Explore our comprehensive range of tool materials.
Explore our diverse range of fasteners and sealants.
Colour | Light Transmission | Heat Transmission |
 Clear |  93% |  100% |
Opal | 49% | 48% |
Cream | 43% | 38% |
 Bronze Tint |  38% |  67% |
Grey Tiny | 19% | 53% |
Size | R1 300X150X150, R2 200X175X200, R3 275X175X200, R4 400X175X200, R5 300X225X225, R6 500X225X225, R7 450X300X300, R8 500X300X300, R9 600X300X300 |
Colour | Basalt, Basalt Bal Rated, Basic Colour & Graphite Lead – 10 Pack, Beige, Bendigo Grey, Black, Black 2KG, Black Bal Rated, Blue Gum, Blue Stone, Bluegum, Bluestone, Brick Red, Bronze, bronze tint, Brown, Brown 2KG, Brown Velvet, Brunswick Green, Buff, Burgandy, BURGUNDY, BURNT RED, Bushland, CARAMEL, CHARCOAL, Chocolate, CHOCOLATE BROWN, Classic Cream, Clear, Colourbond, Cool White, CORAL, Cottage Green, COVE, Cream, Dark Brown, DARK CHARCOAL, DARK CORAL, DARK GREEN, Deep Ocean, Deep Terracotta, Dover White, Dune, Dune Bal Rated, Dune Matt, Earl Grey, Earth Brown, EUCALYPT, Evening Haze, FAWN, Frost, Galavnised, GALVANISED, Galvanized, Graphite Lead – 10 Pack, Grecian Terracotta, Grey, Grey Tint, Gully, Gully Bal Rated, Gun Metal, Gunmetal, HEADLAND, Heritage Green, HOMEBUSH, Homestead, Indian Red, Ironstone, Jasper, KHAKI, LATTE, LEAD GREY, LIGHT BROWN, LIGHT GREEN, Light Grey, Limestone, MANGANESE, MANGNESE, MANGROVE, Manor Red, MARIGOLD, Matt Basalt, Matt Blue Gum, Matt Bluegum, Matt Colourbond, Matt Dune, Matt Monument, Matt Shale Grey, Matt Surfmist, Mid Brunswick Green, Mid Grey, Midnight, Mission Brown, MOCCA, Monument, MOUMENT, MOUNTAIN BLUE, Mud Cake, Natural, Natural Terracotta, Night Sky, Oat, OFF WHITE, OLD HOMESTEAD, Opal, Oxide Red, Oyster, Pale Eucalypt, Paperbark, PAPRIKA, PEACH, Pencil Leads – Tile 10 Pack, PEPPERCORN, Platinum, PLUM, RED 2KG, RED UGEE, RIVERGUM, ROUGE, RUST, Saddle Brown, Sahara, SALMON, Salt Spray, SANDALWOOD, SANDSTONE, SHALE, Shale Gray, Shale Grey, Shale Grey Bal Rated, Shale Grey Matt, SHALEGREY, SHERBROOKE, SIENNA, Silver, SLATE GREEN, SLATE GREY, SMOKEBUSH, SMOOTH CREAM, SOMKEBUSH, Southerly, Sunset, Surfmist, Surfmist Bal Rated, Surmist Matt, TAN, TERRA RED, TERRACOTTA, TERRAIN, TUSCAN, VALLEY BROWN, Wallaby, Walnut, wheat, White, Wild Rice, Wilderness, Windspray, Woodland Grey, YELLOW |
For COLORBOND® steel and ZINCALUME® steel, BlueScope offers a warranty against corrosion to perforation by weathering in the natural elements for a period of up to 36 years* from the date of installation. BlueScope also warrants that the paint system on COLORBOND® steel will not flake or peel due to natural weathering for a period of up to 20 years* from the date of installation. Warranties differ per product and have various terms and conditions to be met before your project qualifies for a warranty.  Warranties of shorter time periods are available where different terms and conditons apply.* Warranty terms and conditions apply. Warranties are not available for all products and applications. The duration and terms and conditions of available warranties vary according to product use and application.